My Crazy Multi-Lingual Day!

A few posts back I wrote about the virtues of a century-old language method called the Assimil Method.  I am currently using the Assimil course for Norwegian and it seems to be going pretty well.I came across this article on the Freakonomics blog the other day:

The article praises the Assimil method and goes into much better detail about why it works than my brief post was able to.  He goes on to propose that students should be doing a similar method for math and physics.  I can’t say that I disagree with him!
I am currently on Lesson 40 of the Assimil course.  I had my doubts about how much material I was actually retaining until I went back and listened to lessons 10-20.  Unbelievable. I could understand everything perfectly.  It was a nice confidence boost as the dialogues are getting much more complex. The sentences are more like “You won’t be able to make it back to shore. Don’t you remember last year when I had to schlep your mother back to shore and I didn’t even want to swim!” (no joke – lesson 37!!)  I need to work on my verbal skills very badly, but I think this will come in time.

Many people have asked me how I am learning Assimil from a French course when my French is only at a VERY basic level.  The great thing about Norwegian is that it is probably the closest language to the “Germanic-side” of English that I have studied.  I have heard that around 60% of English words come directly from French.  Thus, 60% of Assimil is fairly easy to figure out from French/English cognates.  As for the remaining 40%, most of these are the Germanic words which remained in English.  So even if I can’t figure out the French, by going to the Norwegian side I can almost always figure it out. Example: the French word elan. I have no clue what that is.  But then, I see the Norwegian word is elg, AHA! ELK!  (moose, actually, but close enough).

So back to my crazy, multilingual day.  At work, I spoke some Lao.  What?  You speak Lao? Heck no!  But I do know some survival phrases in Thai, which is closely related to Lao.  There was a Lao gentleman who spoke very little English. I walked up to him, smiled and said in a loud, unapologetic voice “SABAI DII!!” (which means “Hi, good day!” in both Thai and Lao). He looked up, completely shocked with a huge smile and started laughing while vigorously shaking my hand.  He then said something that must have been “Do you speak Lao?”, (I have no clue whatsoever…). I said back in Thai “ I only speak a little Thai, very badly…”. He then tried to teach me some Lao (which, unfortunately,  I immediately forgot).  He said in the years he has in in the US, that was the first time any non-Lao had shown any interest in speaking Lao to him. The experience was fun for me and I’m sure I made his day!

The day continued with me going through my Assimil lesson for the day in Norwegian.  This was followed by listening to some “easy-Norwegian-news” with the Klar-Tale podcast.

Norwegian was followed by some German. My 10 year old daughter has shown interest in learning German so I’m doing a little experiment.  I have the Assimil German course so the two of us are going through the course together.  We are only spending 10 minutes a day on it and we shall see how far she can come in 100 days.

Later that evening I read several pages of Marjane Satrapi‘s Persepolis which had been translated into Spanish. Among other things, I discovered that hijab translates to pañuelo (who knew?)

The evening ended with another Assimil lesson; but this time it was Czech.  Czech?!?  Sigh…. I know, I know.  I got the Assimil Czech course for an absolute steal and it was looking really lonely sitting on my shelf … So I’m taking 15 minutes a day and going through the Czech course in addition to Norwegian.

…I know, I’m a hopeless language geek….

Finished with Pimsleur Norwegian!

Hei alle sammen! 
I dag vil jeg gjerne å skrive på norsk. Jeg skal prøve å skrive mye på norsk i loggen min uten Google Translate eller en ordbok!

Jeg studerer også Assimil Le Norvegien Sans Peine. Jeg er på leksjon 19 nå. Noen av temaene er elg, snø, vær, frokost, en sjømanns betraktninger, samarbeid, ekte vennskap, kaffe og kaker! Det er et veldig underholdende kurs!

I dag har jeg ferdig med Pimsleur kurset!!! 🙂 Synd, jeg kan ikke si mye ennå.
Jeg kan snakke om mat, drikke, reiser til Norge, venner, barn og tall. Ikke så mye!

Hello everyone!
Today I would like to write in Norwegian. I’ll try to write a lot in Norwegian in my log without using Google Translate or a dictionary!


I am also studying Assimil Le Norvegien Sans Peine. I’m on lesson 19 now. Some of the topics are moose, snow, weather, breakfast, a sailor’s reflections, cooperation, true friendship, coffee and cakes!  It is a very entertaining course!


Today I finished the Pimsleur course!! 🙂 Too bad, I can not say much yet.
I can talk about food, drink, travel to Norway, friends, children and numbers. Not so much!


Write 3 sentences where you try to use as many of the words which in English are spelled with capital letters, and in Norwegian (and as far as I know also Swedish and Danish) are spelled with regular letters as possible.

1. Han er en riktig nordmann, men han snakker godt engelsk.
2. Neste fredag​​, vil det være den syttende mai.
3. Jeg liker ikke januar, er det for kaldt og ufyselig.

1. He is a proper Norwegian, but he speaks good English.
2. Next Friday will be the 17th of May.
3. I do not like January, it’s just too cold and nasty.


I am really enjoying learning Norsk. I’m not sure how badly my accent is butchering the language, but it is really fun to get my mouth around a booming, emphatic sentence of Norwegian. It is also fun following my fellow Vikings‘ logs. Even though the majority of you seem to be studying Swedish or Danish, I can definitely follow along with my ground level Norwegian! It is so exciting that by learning one Scandinavian language, it is almost like getting “three for one”

Now that I have finished the Pimsleur course, I’ll plan on concentrating on Assimil full time. Hopefully I will be able to complete a lesson a day, but we shall see… stay tuned!